Fantastic Study In Ape Behaviour: If there's any doubt that apes are not our "cousins" then take a close look at this social study and think again. At left is the gorilla -- he's tough and knows it. "Put'em Up!" he challenges his chimp friends. "Come on, Charlie, we now you're the champ," says his side kick, trying to humour the gorilla. "Go on, have a go," chides chimp number three, who conveniently enough, is well out of range of Charlie's left hook. But What of ape number four? he's sophisticated organgutang who quite clearly -- just doesn't want to know. Fantastic Study In Ape Behaviour: If there's any doubt that apes are not our "cousins" then take a close look at this social study and think again. At left is the gorilla -- he's tough and knows it. "Put'em Up!" he challenges his chimp friends. "Come on, Charlie, we now you're the champ," says his side kick, trying to humour the gorilla. "Go on, have a go," chides chimp number three, who conveniently enough, is well out of range of Charlie's left hook. But What of ape numbr four? he's sophisticated organgutang who quite clearly -- just doesn't want to know.
Photo measures 10 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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