Happy Babbie's are the theme of the Infant Welfare Clinic at Woodery Down. This one seems to enjoy the fun of being weighed. A careful note is kept of the weights and heights of all the toddlers. An "All-In" Health Centre; Woodberry Down is a Success: Nearing its third birthday (September) is Woodberry gown "Allinin" Health centre at Stoke Nowington Designed to ~~~~ sa neighborhood of 25,000 people, is is still unicorns in Britain in the way it covers every aspect of Child ~~~~~~~ health. Woodberry Down is a two-story C-shaped buildings covering acres by the new River Reservopir. It cost $200,000 to ~~~ and provides co~prehensive medical facilities ranging from the routine examination of infants and scholl children. to denatl and surgecial operations. The buildings his 160 rooms, with the captains on lightness and brightness. The carrells have rubber floors to make them sound-proof. The center has its own operating theatre, four dental surgical, and a dental workshop. Mothers can leave their babies in the Nursery during the day, and there is a psychiatrist to treat the problem child. Six doctors practice at Wood berry Down., each occupying his own suite. For young mothers of the district there are "keep-fit" classes and a prenatal clinic.
Photo measures 8 x 10.25 inches.
Photo is dated --0000.
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