The plant is a front line Russian project. In the middle of once barren steppes at the foot of Russia's Ural mountains, a new city is going up centered around the Soviet Union's Kamaz truck plant which is one of the country's big, new frontier enterprises. In seven years, 260,000 persons have moved into the fast growing city, Naberehniye Chelny. The truck plant has gone into operation. About 70 percent of the equipment is imported. The plan for the year, under steadily increasing production rates, is to turn out 22,000 Kamaz trucks. Although city officials acknowledge growing pains, they talk about the "bright prospects" of the future. And for the rest of the Soviet Union, the truck plant is a front line project in the march to communism. Russia - Industry and Occupation - Factories.
Photo measures 10 x 8.25 inches. Photo is dated 10-24-1977.
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