Earthquake disaster in Niigata Japan: The city of Niigata is a blasing shambles after the severe earthquake which took place at 1.02 PM 6/16/64, isolating it from the rest of Japan as railway lines buckled, and the runway of the airport partly disappeared, there is no water, electricity of sewerage remaining and thousands are homeless. The port of Niigata, one of the principal oil refining cities, suffered a double catastrophy as oil tanks burst spreading blasing oil over hundreds of houses nearby, destroying 291 of them. The 90 oil tanks which went up in flames contained 400,000 kilolitres. So far 25 persons are known to have perished, and several hundred injured. Nearly 2,000 houses were destroyed, 30 being washed away in a tidal wave which followed the earthquake, and more than 14,000 homes are flooded. The Showa Bridge, newly constructed for the Niigata National Games last month, snapped apart from the stress of the earthquake while the muddy water of the Shinano River overflowed the embankments flooding a huge area containing thousands of homes and factories.
Photo measures 7.75 x 5 inches.
Photo is dated 06-06-1964.
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