India : "Anand Margis" have recently been awaiting against the arrest of their "guru" known as Amandi Murthi who is being prosecuted.The Anand Margis held a demonstration demanding the release of Amandi Murthi near the parliament house in Delhi on April 24,1973 where many were taken in custody and beaten up by police violation of section 144 of the Indian Code The issue has now become very controversial since an "avadhot", a member of the organization is alleged to have committed suicide somewhere in the "old Fort" -which led to the arrest of some "Andean-Margi" and a CBS TV cameraman With his assistant. The cameraman and his lady assistant have been charged for the abutment of murder and involvement in the "suicide" or alleged to be murder case. Photo shows Amandi Margi's demonstrators at the April 24,1973 rally. .
Photo measures 8.25 x 4.5 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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