Near a Million persons assisted the different ceremonies of Assumpt ''(Illegible)'' of the new Argentine President.: At the ''(Illegible)'' ditional Casa Rosada, government house, from were ex-President Juan D''(Illegible)'' was ousted 18 years ago, took place the assumption of his successor ''(Illegible)'' Campora and the Vice president Vicente Solano Lima. At the Plaza de ''(Illegible)'' in front of the Casa Rosada and the Congreso, the Parliament as well ''(Illegible)'' the Avenida de Mayo connecting both sites presenced near a million p''(Illegible)'' the historical event. Near the Casa Rosada happened some riots betwe''(Illegible)'' matic party people and police up to the moment at least one died and were hurt and some cars were set afire.During the whole day clandes ''(Illegible)'' and not clandestine Peronist organizations marched with cheers throug''(Illegible)'' streets, as traditionaly with their drums to celebrate as noisily a''(Illegible)'' ble the peronist victory and the defeat of the military government a''(Illegible)'' as the victory over the oppisition parties. Here are several scenes on this memorable day showing: 1. Ex President General Lanusse (the tall man) giving the presidentia''(Illegible)'' to new President Campora. In center and left two members of ''(Illegible)'' 2. They ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ the typical peronist slogan ''(Illegible)''. 3. The big crowd through Avenida de Mayo. Looking from Congreso de G''(Illegible)''. 4. The riots near Govt. House where one died and many were hurt and ''(Illegible)'' afire by fanatics and oppisitors of defeated regime. 5. All kind of peronist delegations marching through the streets wit''(Illegible)'' drums and slogans and specially the peronist youth organizations - ''(Illegible)'' so called Juventud peronista who who had the greates part on th''(Illegible)'' victory.
Photo measures 7.5 x 4.75 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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