July 1st - September 30th 1972: Exhibition "100 years of German Excavations at Olympia" at the "Deutsche Museum" in Munich: The biggest object shown at the exhibition is the 30m long west-gable of the Olympic temple of Zeus, a reconstruction of about 10m height shows copies of it's sculptures. Also shown at the exhibition are antique athletic implements and competition diagrams. Purpose of this exhibition is to make clear the significance of the antique Olympia, to a larger public. Photo shows from left: architekt Peter Grunauer, who took part at some excavations at Olympia, Dr. Berthold Fellmann, archeologist and scientific manager of the exhibition and Franz Wischnewski, graphic artist and responsible for the visual arrangement, standing in front of one of the gable-figures (Centaur and Lapithin).
Photo measures 8.5 x 6.5 inches.
Photo is dated 06-06-1972.
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