Scotland Yard's New Information Room: Scotland Yard's new Information Room has been designed to meet the great increase in 999 calls and to accommodate the new mechanically and electrically aided system of working now to be employed. It deals with incidents in the whole of the Metropolitan and City Police districts - an area of 736 square miles and a population o 81/2 million. The Information Room is a clearing centre where information about matters requiring police attention is received and distributed. Calls for assistance come in by telephone both from members of the public and police officers. Appropriate instructions are then sent by radio to the car, motor cycle or launch, selected to deal with the matter. Up to the end of November 131,553 calls had been received. The new Information Room is to be opened by Police Commissioner, Sir John Nott-Bower on Jan. 3rd. 1957. Photo shows A view of the new Information Room at Scotland Yard showing police officers at each side of the table receiving 999 calls, which are passed down the centre of the table on a conveyerto the inspector in charge who has a map on which he can control the cars.
Photo measures 10 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 12-28-1956.
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