Grandfather from Dusseldorf is motor cycle fan : Soon Paul Kerbstein will retire with his motor - bike (photo). Next January when he was his 70th birthday and his son will be in charge of the car-shop he will retire, however, this life will be very different than that one of other pensioners. He won't sit at the fireside, to drink something, to play cards, to smoke or assort his stamps - no, grandfather karbstein is a motor - bike fan and will always be on the move. He prefers to drive with his fast machine and from time to time he also drives on the Nurburgring (German). One doesn't have to be afraid that something could happen - Karbsteion has much experiences. Already 1926 he took part in motor - cycle races and 1937 he was even Hohen- Syburg- champion.
Photo measures 8.25 x 6 inches.
Photo is dated 12-22-1970.
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