18th German Lutheran Churchday in Nuremberg/West-Germany: During holding his open-air divine-service on the main-maket in Nuremberg/west-Germany, in the frame of teh 18th German Lutheran churchday, parson Bernd-Juergen Hamann of Berlin/West, intends to sit on a heavu motor cycle, dressed in a black leather jackett with stickers and vrazzles. This unusual person invited to the most unusual event during the 18th German Lutheran Churchday: A drive-in divint-service, in which between prayer and pop-songs the pa-stong machines become startod! Person Hamann have during his daily work the care for a group of criminal rockers. Instead to preach from the pulpit the parson goes from pub to pub and watches to the sorrows of his parish. Photo shows Parson Bernd-Juergen Hamann (Bernd-Juergen Hamann) from Berlin/west, right, with helpers during his drive-in divine service.
Photo measures 8 x 6 inches.
Photo is dated --0000.
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