£1,500,000 art robbery on Dulwich Gallery The world's biggest-ever picture haul: The world's biggest art robbery was made by a gang who snached paintings worth more than £1,500,000 from Dulwich College Picture Gallery in London early today, Eight paintings were stolen which included the gallery's there famous Rembrandts-"Girl at Window", "Portrait of Titus" and Portrait of Jacob de Geybe", also known as "Portrait of a young man". Three of the other paintings were by Rubens, The raiders broke in during the early hours this morniing by removing a panel of the unused door and by-passing the gallery's electric burglar alarm system. Scotland Yard launched a country-wide hunt for the art gang. Photo shows A geneeral view of the Dulwich Art Gallery from where the theft took place.
Photo measures 10 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 12-12-1966.
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