Max Weber:"Enemy of Squires" was what the famous German political economist and sociologist Max Weber called himself, whose birthday comes round for the hundredth time on 21st April 1964. Born in Erfut in the Soviet Zone to~~~, the son of a liberal home in the course and more with the national liberal views of his parental home in the course of his search work on the social problem in Germany. Already on the conclusion of his duties, the social problem become a most palpable reality to him so that he established contact in the earl;y ninnies with Friedrich Naumenn, the active liberal social thinker. He worked for a long time for the Association for Social Politics for which he evaluated inquires into the living conditions of the agricultural workers east of Elbe river. Together with the political economists Edger Jaff 6 and Werner Sombart, he directed the Heidelberg Archives for social science and social politics and turned the serial parts published undor the same name into the most representative German periodical on social science of his time. In addition to his work in political economy proper, his chief interest belonged to the social movement; problems of the world of the industrial workers, especially the psychology of the labourer, always attracted him anew.
Photo measures 8.25 x 10 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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