British official photograph - Admiralty issued by Central office of information: Rough seas foil Atlantic survival tests: Two groups of Naval Volunteers had a really rough time in the Atlantic over the week-end. When the Ocean turned its vicious worst on five-day survival tests from the destroyer "Carron",, the first group entered the water on Saturday-and had to be fished out ninety minutes later-when their raft was made unseaworthy by the battering seas. on the Sunday a second crew entered the water aboard an Oval canopied Admirally-type raft- which survived the battering water O.K-but the destroyer captain decided to take the men off-hhe decided it was bad policy to risk their lives in five days aboard the rafts-existing on minimum of food and water-for testing reactions against boredom figure and short rations. The location was 200 miles off west Coast of Ireland. Photo shows The carron's First Lieut, shouts orders as the first rft-a round RFD, is hauled back in alongside-after some nienty minutes of battling with impossible seas.
Photo measures 6 x 8.25 inches.
Photo is dated --None.
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