The floodlit scene of the great circus of the Passion pay at Grassina, showing Christ on the Cross with the two crucified either side.Christ's Passion Re Enachetd In Italy: Every Good Friday, thousands of visitors, many from overseas, flock to Grassina, near Florence, Italy, to see the re-enactment of Christ's journey to the Cross and the Crucifixion. Some six hundred people take party in the ceremony. The procession is led by Roman soldiers and includes the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalen and Judas. Lastly comes Christ carrying the heavy cross. The man who plays the part of Christ has nothing to eat the day before the ceremony, he real suffers carrying the heavy cross which lends great drama and realism to the performance.When the procession reaches the to p of Calvary Hill, the music of Handel.Wagner, Verdi and Rossini is played , the three crosses ate illuminated by flood lighting provided by the Italian Army Engineers and a dramatic climax is give by the outbreak of a terrible storm.
Photo measures 9.5 x 7 inches.
Photo is dated 04-04-1953.
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