Scotland Yard Faces New Wave Of Crime Latest Pictures of the Yard At Wok: A new wave of the crime is sweeping over the country springing with at some of the Mose sensational and unprecedented cases in the s~~ls of criminal history.Fantastic Sank and Jewel Raids, fraudulent business deals involving millions of pounds. Controversial cases like Marwood and Podola and Of course - Alfred Hinds Still at large. New Scotland yard, headquarters of the Metropolitian Police ince 1891, and monument of ~~~~inal detection, has never seen so busy, On its shoulders rests the inverstigation, has nbever not only in great Britain Duty the world as well, through Interpol which deals with the Major International Rackets. These are the latest pictures of the yard and work, and show aspects of the information room opened at the beginning of 1957. Here incidents within an area of 742 Square Miles - The Metropolitan and City districts of London - Are reported through the million calls received each year. A two way radio - telephone system sees to the needs and sfety of a population of nearly 9 million. In the Fingerprints files, 1,35,000 sets iof fingerprints are Catalogusedf fpr ready profesor. Position of All Wireless Cars: An officeroperates aboard which has coloured studs to denote all police cars available for a job.
Photo measures 10 x 8.25 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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