International Fair For Synthetic Products K'71" - New Fair Düsseldorf From 16. To 23.9.71
More security by means of synthetic products....
.... offers the chemical industry to the producer of cars. Despite the fact that already today a considerable part of the body-work consists of synthetic products it is calculated that the share of synthetic products will amount to 15% of the value of a car in the next ten years. The Huls model of a car which was presented for the first time to the public on occasion of the "K'71", the first exhibition of the New Fair Düsseldorf, shows the different ways of application of synthetic products and synthetic caoutchouc for the construction of modern cars by over 60 different examples. These parts play an essential part in the output, the security and the comfort of a car.
Photo measures 8.25 x 6 inches.
Photo is dated 9-23-1971.
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