Children leave their school escorted after police warning to parents at Bloxwich: School is over for the week and yesterday parents waited outside Blackanall Primary School in Bloxiwch, Staffordshire-where 5-year-old Diane Tift was a pupil-to escort their children home. Nor far wasy is the A34 Birmingham-Stafford Road where the bodies of Diane and 6-year-old Margaret Reynolds where found earlier this week. And never far from the minds of every parent who lives in the area is the police warning "No child is safe until the murderer is found". While the hunt goes on, parents have been advised to make sure that their children do not go out alone. Yesterday they were at the school gates heading that advice. Photo shows After the police warning this was the scene yesterday as the children left their school-everyone with an escort.
Photo measures 10 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 01-01-1966.
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