Lady Mary Gives a Hand with the Washing up in the kitchen of her home at Chelsea - She Will Attend the Queen on Coronation Dul. Six Beautiful girls Whose area range from 17 to 23 have been chosen by the Queen to be her Maids of Honour at the Coronation Service. Queen Victoria Set the precedent When she was crowned. Maids of Honour instead of the usual Pages carried her train. The girls are being trained by Mary, Duchess of Devonshire, Mistress of the Robes to the Queen. She is showing them how to manage the Royal Burple robe, which is 20 yards long and 21 inches wide. One of the Girls chosen is 18-year-Old Lady Mary Baillie-Hamilton. Daughter of the Earl and Countess of Haddington and frined of both the Queen and of Princess Margeret. Lady mary was adebutante in 1951 and her coming-out party was described as the most dazzling of the year. Her home is ar Gordon is Scotland, but she is Spending most of her time now at her pretty home in Tite Street, Chelsea WHere she is busy with Coronation Year Parties and Prepatin for her suties on the graeta day in westminster Abbey.
Photo measures 8 x 10.25 inches.
Photo is dated --0000.
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