Behind Closed March 17, 1958 in Bonn leading members of the Parliament from the memberstates of the North-Atlantic-Pact-Organization were meeting for two days confernce. The NATO-members amontg other topics are discussing about a co-worl of the NATO-countries on scientific topics. During a public meeting at March 18,1958 the President of the NATO-Parlamentarians-conference, J.J. Fens (Netherlands) and the US sentor Kefauver will speak to the theme "The Atlantic Community and the Eastern-West relations". Picture shows the first meeting in Bonn from, left to right side: Senator Kefauver (USA), J.J. Fens (Netherlands) anmd the Persident of the German Atlantic Society Sr. Richard Jaeger (Vice-President of the Federal Diet).
Photo measures 7 x 5.75 inches.
Photo is dated 3-18-1958.
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