March 13 1978 - First picture of a Cabinet in Session - This is believed to be the first picture taken of a Prime Minister and members of his Cabinet in session at 10 Downing Street. Members (clockwise from Mr. Callaghan in the centre background) with their departments are : Mr. Foot (Leader of the Commons), Mr. Shore (environment), Mr. Mulley (Defence), Roy Hattersley (Prices), Stanley Orme (Social Security), Mr. Cocks (Chief Whip), Albert Booth (Employment), Bruce Millan (Secretary of State for Scotland), Roy Mason (Northern Ireland), Tony Benn (Energy), Shirley Williams (Education and Science), David Owen (Foreign Secretary), Denis Healey (Chancellor of the Exchequer), Merlyn Rees (Home Secretary), Lord Elwyn Jones (Lord Chancellow), Eric Varley (Industry), John Morris (Secretary of State for Wales), Edmund Dell (Trade), William McIndoe (Cabinet Secretariat), Joe Barnet (Chief Secretary of the Treasury), David Faulkner (Cabinet Secretariat), William Rodgers (Transport), John Silkin (Agriculture), David Ennals (Social Services), Lord Peart (Lord Privy Seal), Harold Lever (Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster), Sir John Hunt (Secretary of the Cabinet)
Photo measures 10 x 6 inches.
Photo is dated 3-13-1978.
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