Duchess helps spastic children with riding instruction : The duches of Norfolk, herself a keen horse woman, is giving a tremendous boost to disabled children by gel them to learn to ride. once or twice a week the duches calls in at the riding stables of brigadier j.r.Allen, a few miles from arundel home to help spastic children from worthing, aru and little Hampton in their horse riding venture. It was at the suggestion of the duches of horror that these riding classes were started and she supplied clothes and equipment to enable these children to banefi from this exercise which is of tremendous help both phys and mentally to spastics. unable to move under their own volition many of them discover the freedom of movement for the first time when astride a horse. His horses is isd by a duches ~~~~~~~ one of the nine ~~~~~ pupils ve receive a weekly riding lesson at a Sussex riding school on the instigation of the duchess of Norfolk. picture shows the duches (right) and Mrs. Allen (Left) giving instructions to Andrew who is supported by one of the riding instructive at the stables.
Photo measures 8 x 10.25 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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