An amusing interlude for the schoolgirls as Mr. Peter Walker, ex-R.A.F. dog trainer, show, wearing false moustache, and old clothes, what a menace a dog owner is who has not bothered to train his pet. They fallaout and scran as they cross the Zebra making themselves a menace both to themselves and motorists.
Schoolgirls Learn Road Safety For Dogs: Many dogs lives have been lost and the safety of many human beings has been in danger through the bad behaviour of dogs on the roads cause directly by the negligence on the part of the dog's owner to train it. Road Safety Dog Demonstration Teams travel around visiting schools etc., and demonstrate with the aid of portable Zebra crossing and Belisha beacons, a dog can be trained to negotiate busy crossings without danger to himself, his owner and to motorists. Since 1946 the efforts of Road Safety Committee, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, and Canine Defence with its pamphlets, posters etc., and Demonstrations teams have been rewarded. By 1951 these efforts were saving one life every two years, 14 people from serious injury, 57 people from minor injury and at least 1,780 dogs from death, and reducing damage to property by ~35,000 a year. These pictures were taken when the Canine Defence League's Road Safety Dog Demonstration team visited St. Vincent's R.C. School at Carlisle Place, Victoria.
Photo measures 10 x 8.25 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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