Presentation of the peace award of the German book trade to Alfred grosser. The peace award of the German book trade occupies a special position amongst the many literature awards. Since 20 years now it is being given to persons who have made a contribution to peace by their literary work and their human attitude. This year professor Dr. Alfred Grosser (Alfred Grosser- picture) will receive the award .he is considered as being an "engaged European". He was born in Frankfurt in being an "engaged European". He was born in Frankfurt in 1925 but his parents had to leave Germany 1933 and went to France then. There he later become a member of the "Resistance" but started to work as the general secretary of the French "Committee for exchange with the new Germany" seen after the war was over. He now teaches political science at the university of Paris; his numerous books mainly deal with present politics in France and Germany.
Photo measures 6.5 x 8.75 inches.
Photo is dated 10-10-1975.
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