Baldur springmann and herbert Gruhl, the two sym-Bolfigures of the west-German Party the "Green" had retired. The member of the West-German Bundestag Herbert Gruhl and prominent member of the "Green", as well as the Symbol figure of the green movement in West-Germany Baldur springmann retired from their membership at the "Green", as well as the symbolic figure of the green movement in West-Germany Baldur springmann retired from their membership at the "Green". The motive to this step were for Baldur Springmann as well as fro Herber Gruhl the fact, that they see no further the possibility to realize their ideas in that party. The green who has a sensational entry into the country parliaments of berman and Baden - Wurttemberg are now parted in a lot of group and arrangements from the right - wing over former Spd and Cdu members till communistical parts. The eco-former Baldur Springmann who lives on a farm near Genschendorf in Schleswig-Holstein/West-Germany said: "This party is unable to do a clear refusal to the left and ultra left cadre-groups, so I give back mu membership book". Photo shows Herbert Gruhl, member of the West-German Bundestag and prominent member of the "Green", who had retired from his Membership, a few days ago.
Photo measures 6 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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