UN-conference on Human Environment : To be honest, I must say, now when the conference approaches its final end, that it has been a much bigger success than we even could hope when it stated. This, tage erlander, the chief - delegate from Sweden, said on Wednesday, just before he as host welcomed the other 114 chief - delegates to the final lunch out of three, in the Garden of stall master garden. It may seem peculiar to say this, if you think of the difficulties we have with the declaration, which is tremendously important. Still it's more importnat, that we now have been able to take the very first steps on the road of international collaborations concerning the environmental problems. The swedish delegation is specially happy that professor Arne Engstroms efforst has been so scuccessfull by the very fact of theat the conference today did approve the convention about the oceans and the reseach stations. If you look to the organization everything ent beautifully. All the concerned, including the public, the press, the police and the employed at the secretariat, have been inspired of a desire to reach the success we obviously have reached. I Can't recall any event as big as this, where all practical matters have been so very well handled, without any trouble. But we also have to remember that we have had a very cooperative partenr during the conference: the weather! It realy contributed toi this success. Wodonge Omamo, the minister of natural resources in Kenya, presents a memory gift, a shield, to tage Erlander, Sitting, prince Albert of Belgium.
Photo measures 7.25 x 9.5 inches.
Photo is dated 06-06-1972.
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