100 anniversary of Death of Jacques Offenbach: At October 5th, 1980 are hundred years since the death of famous composer Jacques Offenbach (in the picture). Born in Cologne/West Germany (20.6.1819), Offenbach came to Paris/France, when he was 14 years old. After a short attendance at the academy of music he became violinist at the Opera Comique and in 1849 conductor at the Theatre Francais. Between 1855 and 1866 he gave performances at his own little stage. After this the great parodistic operates were played at several stages. By the change of the social life and taste after the war 1870/71, the star of Offenbach had set. He tired a come back by taking over a theatre again and making spectacular operattas by ingenious, sparkling with, with imaginative parody, died sick and isolated in 1880 in Paris. His last opus, ''Hoffmans Erzahlungen'', was played for the first time only after his death in 1881, and became success all over the world.
Photo measures 6 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 10-10-1980.
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