Financier - Harry Jasper cleared of charges at the Old Bailey.: Financier Harry Jasper walked out of the court at the Old Bailey yesterday - after a Judge had cleared his made - of three charges of making reckless statements. He said that all his won money - £203,000 was tied up with the Lintang Investments - One of the charges of which he was cleared alleged that he made reckless statement in connection with an £8,000,000 take-over bid for Lintang Investments - the group that controls Dolphin Square, Pimlico - the biggest block of flats in Europe. The case against Friedrich Grunwald (34) and Herbert Murray (64) on charges arising out of take-over deals continues. they are accused of frauds involving more than £3 1/4 million belonging to the State Building Society and other companies. Photo shows Harry Jasper enjoys a cup of tea after his acquittal at the Old Bailey yesterday. He estimates that it cost him about £7,000 to clear his name.
Photo measures 8.25 x 10 inches.
Photo is dated 07-07-1960.
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