St. Gangolf's pilgrimage and ride of Neudenau. As may be followed back in historical sources the farmers of Neudensau are riding out for centuries to the old Gangold's chapel, about two kilometers outside the gates of the small town , every year in may. The old chapel is one of the oldest buildings of Frankonisa originating from the 9th century. probably this old chapel may be traced back to be an old German sources - sanctuary and also the st. Gangolf's ride may have its origin in an old German habit of blessing the spring and the horses. Every year 150 to 200 horses and thousands of people are taking part in this horse pilgrimage. St. Gangolf's ride is especially meant for the adoration of this saint of the frankonian knights who is regarded from the oldest times to be the helper in need among the Christiana people and to be also the patron saint to the horses .saint always preserved its special character as genuine popular festival through the centuries. photo shows Herlass with colored flags are penning the procession thus also symbolizing the temporal and spiritual powers which were forming the history of the small town and of the surrounding country.
Photo measures 6 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 5-18-1953.
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