The artists take over in the central criminal curt : Eight-five - year- old professor Osrald Hoira, the famous artist climbs up on the steps to examine the mural be painted 50 years ago, and which is now being repaired, with walls berth. The Artists and Builders take over in the old Bailey : As the courts are in Recess, the central criminal court is beige taken over more and more by a small band of eminent artists and assistants, and by a small Arny of builders who are finishing off Phase I of the programme of Reconstruction being carried out by the corporation of the city of London. under the direction of the city surveyor. Eighty five year old professor Gerald Noira, who painted the original murals fifty years ago, is a gain responsible ~~oe, with colleague Kenneth Rowntree, fore repainting them and including a new one which is a mural depicting the work of London civil denfence forces during the blitz. Man of the world in the dome is being carried out fifty feet above the ground. Scaffolding inside the grand hall gives an indication of the extent of the work which , after phases 2,3 and 4 are completed by 1954, will have involved an expenditure of nearly half a million pound. Parts of the old Bailey were demolished by an incident ,but the remaining courts have always been able to function, Repair work is being carried out according to a plan which will interfere as little as possible with the legal work there.
Photo measures 8.25 x 10.25 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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