UNO Help To Medical Appliance Sterlization.
Budapest: Dr.Gyorey Osztrovszky, President of Hungary's National Atomic Energy Committee and L.R. Bloch, the European Manager of the UNO Development programme / UNDP/ signed a contract here today, providing for an institute to set up in Debregen, East Hungary, for medical instruments and appliances to be sterilized under the effect of high-capacity Cobalt-60 ionizing rays which provide a much higher degree of security than so far known sterilizing methods by means of traditional chemical or heat treatment. The UNDP contribution to carrying the project into effect will be in the height of half a million dollars. International facilities for study and training will also be available in the new institute for candidates to acquaint themselves with the practical results of ray sterilization.
OPS: L.R. Blocg, right and R. Gy. Osztrovszki signing the contract.
Photo measures 9.5 x 7 inches.
Photo is dated 08-08-1974.
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