Rank prize fund: The establishment of Two Rank Prize Funds, created by the late Lord Rank, with a gift of £1,00,000 from each, was announced in London today. They will provide awards and encourage research in two important scientific fields: (a) The science of human nutrition. The science of crop-husbandry and the science of animal nutrition as distinct from animal husbandry. (b) Opto-Electronics. This has been defined as the advancing and promoting for the public benefit of knowledge, education and learning in the interface between the science of optics and the science of electronics and nearly related phenimena. A trust to administer the Funds had been set up under Lord Rank's chairmanship shortly before his death last week.
Photo shows Sir John Davis, Chairman and Chief Executive of the Rank Organisation, addressing today's Press Conference, watched by Mr. Joseph Rank, Chairman of Ranks Hovis McDougall Limited.
Photo measures 10 x 8.5 inches.
Photo is dated 04-04-1972.
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