Demonstration of fire resistant aircraft fuels. A demonstration took place yesterday at the royal aircraft Establishment, Farnborogh, of fire resistant aircraft fuels. a big break through in aircraft safety. In one fire test ,the standeart test , as ten or twenty gallon sample of modified fuel is projected on a track by a rocket - propelled sled at speeds ranging from speeds up to 160 miles per hour and rapidly decelerated using an aircraft arrested write, Fuel Rios released at the moment of impact and comes Ito contact with an array of ignition sources consisting of wicks burning in pint cands filled with kerosene, the exact number of sources being variable, with kerosene a spectacular blaze is always produced while with fuels containing 0.3% of additive, or less under certain conditions, no propagating flame is ever observed. photo shows A rocket propelled sled as it reach the arrest wire projects non-treated kerosine over the flaming cannsitern - which immediately burst into flame - during the demonstration.
Photo measures 9.25 x 7.75 inches.
Photo is dated 05-05-1973.
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