Death Struck At Noon In Southern Turkey: Lice, South Eastern Turkey, (BBA) -- A massive earthquake rumbled through the mountains and towns of Turkey Eastern and Southern provinces Saturday, September 6, killing thousands and destroying entire villages and towns. The town of Lice with population 9,000 was leveled off by the earthquake and falling massive rocks from mountains surroundings town. Only two days after the earthquake the bodies of men, women and children pulled out of the rubble of several hundred houses and buildings totalled, 2,400 in Lice and surrounding 54 villages. The survivors worked hard to find their dead, the stench of decaying bodies filled the air, and the dirges of Kurdish women wailing over the bodies of their beloved heard from afar. The traditionally stone and mud houses of this backward district of Turkey had collapsed on their inhabitants just at noon. When most of them were having lunch or praying in mosques. They were mostly women and children. They lost their lives with a bang. There was no way escaping the heavy boulders rolling down from the mountains. In the aftermath of the diesater the scene in Lice was blood-frazing. Under every stone lay a body. Nobody knew the exact number of dead, rescue team worker to recover mutilated bodies from the rubble. army troops was gent in to dig graves for the victim. Field hospitals set up by the trukishered recant and army tended the wounded. But they grave no relief for the ones who lost their beloved ones at the earthquake. The disaster in Lice, a town in an earthquake prone area of Turkey, came as the worst natural tragedy since 1966, when a similar earthquake in the same area killed more than 2,500 persons. Now the people of Lics are trying to heal their wounds but there is nothing forztham to replace their lost ones. The picture shows the devastation their caused by the killer earthquake in the lice. the survivors and their arrows for the victims. Turkish troops digging graves. and the people of Lice as they carry their lost iones to their graves.
Photo measures 9.75 x 7 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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