The end of rationing in Britain. Housewives as present the food ministry with a wreath! : With the taking of meat off the ration tomorrow - Saturday - Rationing ends in Britain after fourteen years - so that for the first time since 1940 housewives can purchase whatever they can afford - and the ration books can be burned. Members of the "Housewives League" this afternoon paid a visit to the Ministry of a unique wreath - suitably inscribed and made of old ration books and complete with photographic portraits of the Food Ministers who have held office since the advent of the Rationing system. Photo shows members of the Housewives League seen with their unique wreath on arriving at the Ministry this afternoon. They are seen left to right: Mrs. ~~~man who made the wreath and Mrs. Murdoch.
Photo measures 10.25 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 07-02-1954.
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