Construction of Modular Repeater For Orbital Test Satellite
The Orbital Test Satellite (OTS), presently being constructed to ESA order, will be able to handle about 10,000 telephone calls and two colour TV programmes. In this satellite, polarisation procedures will be adopted for multiplexing the frequency bands in the 11 and 14 GHZ ranges, which are becoming more and more important, and the transmission quality obtained will be tested. An European consortium led by West-German company AEG- Telefunken is developing, producing and manufacturing the Modular Repeater, in which a new high-efficiency travelling-waves tube, developed by the company, is incorporated. In addition, the firm is supplying the solar generator for the satellite ans also building, as prime contractor, the earth control station in Italy.
Our picture shows the 6-channel transponder during the final performance test (left). On the right the control and monitoring system for the check-out of the Modular Repeater.
Photo measures 8.5 x 6.5 inches.
Photo is dated --0000.
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