She has a 91 hour week job but British railways says its only a part time job: 36 year old mother of four, Mrs. Kathleen Willingham, looks after the level crossing at Mount Bures, near Colobester, Essex, is fighting with British Railways to get her 91 hour week reduced. Mrs. Willingham pulls a level 144 times a day, and wings the large level crossing gates at least 48 times a day from six in the morning until 10:30 at night. Even on her weekly day off her "rest day" - Mrs. Willingham has to be on duty from 6 a.m. till 10.15 whe her relief a man arrives. Another man takes over in the afternoon because men are allowed to work only an eight hour shift. Each week she is allowed four hours off for shopping. An Eastern Region spokesman said that a keeper know what the conditions were when she took the job. Mrs. Willingham, he said, was able to do things about the house between trains and so was considered to be only working part time. Photo shows Mrs. Willingham seen working the level crossing gates which she does 48 times a day.
Photo measures 10.25 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 7-21-1960.
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