He built his own boat in his front garden recruits a small army to turn it over.: Six years ago - Mr. Sant - who is a keen yaschtsman and who lives at Carshalton Beeches, Surrey started work on building a yacht in his front room. When the craft started to grow he had to graduate to the front drive which he covered in so that he could work in comfort on the main assembly of his 25 ft. long Bermuda rigged sloop which will be equipped with a small auxiliary engine when completed. now that the hull of the craft including the keep has been completed the vessel had to be turned over so that work could continue on the cabin. A small army of 25 men had to be organised for the turning over process and this had to be done in the middle of the road and craft carried back into the covered in drive in. It is hoped that the boat will be completed and launched next year at Kingston- on-Thames, six miles away -fitted out and sailed to the Solent where she will be berthed. Photo shows all hands to the ropes as the craft is turned over in the middle of the road. Good job it was a quiet afternoon.
Photo measures 10 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 10-10-1960.
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