There's plenty of information for the students to be found on the notice board in the Hall. On leftis Donald Woodruff of Ohio and on right, David McManigal. In the background two girl students talk over future activities.: American co-ed school opens in Bushey park.: Just near Hampton court Palace where Henry VIII strolled, the boys and girls of the New World are going to school. They are children of United States Military Personnel Stationed in and around London and the school is situated in Bushey park. There is a Central high school for 210 children twenty - five classrooms, with a students' lunch room. the curriculum covers the usual range of subjects taught in schools through the United States, and in addition to this girl students can enroll for courses of home Economics including sewing and home nursing. Organiser of the school is Mr. B. Kennedy and Principal is Mr. V. E Farned from Mississippi. The school is the latest addition to the USAF school system in the U. K.
Photo measures 8 x 10.25 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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