Traffic banned in busy Tokyo centers in Anti-Pollution test: Millions of Tokyo residents enjoyed traffic free streets in the busiest sections of the Ginza, Shinjuku, and Aksaka, when the city fathers ordered a ''Holiday Promenade'' which was part of the anti-pollution program. For a day the pedestrian was ''king'' and roamed and shopped the streets without fear of being run over. During the traffic free day, smog on the Ginza, Tokyo main street, dropped to 3.5 ppm, against 12.5 ppm recorded the previous day when traffic used the street. The ''Holiday Promenade'', which turned into gala will be repeated, and Sunday is selected as the traffic fee days in the future. Photo shows the festive scene in a Ginza, Tokyo, as thousands walked and shopped in the traffic free street.
Photo measures 10 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 08-08-1970.
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