World's Lovers Unite To Free Berliner: The World's lovers United to bring together Susan Allison, 21, and East German scientist Rainer Kubitz. 33, Now, after a four year struggle with Berlin's Communist bosses, Rainer is with his lover Susan, and their daughter, Beate. Susan appealed to lovers of the world to unit to bombard the Communist authorities with Pleas. She also pressured diplomatic and other sources. And suddenly Rainer was freed. But not before the Rainer had staged a demonstration near the Berlin Wall parading a picture of Beate, 3, with the inscription: 'Why cannot my mother and father marry?". World's Lovers Unite To Free Berliner: The Woirld's lovers United to bring together Susan Allison, 21, and East German scientist Rainer Kubitz. 33, Now, after a four year strugle with Berlin's XCommunist bosses, Rianer is with his lover Susan, and their daughter, Beate. Susan appealed to lovers of the world to unit to bombard the Communist authorities with Pleas. She also pressured diplomatic and other sources. And suddenly Rainer was freed. But not before the Rainer had staged a demostration near the Berlin Wall parading a picture of Beate, 3, with the inscription: 'Why cannot my mother and fathPicture Shows They're together at last at the home of Susan's parents in Bradford, Yorkshire....Iron Curtain sweethearts Rainer Kubitz and Susan Allison, concluding tgheir daughter Beate. "It's dream come true," says Susan..
Photo measures 9.5 x 7.5 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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