"Hare Kriehna" a group of dreseed young men who walk through the streets with slow step., singing and playing little belle and drums. They are followers of the "International Society for Krishna Conic/owns." who see their mission in the "Sankirtan-movement", the spreading of the holy name "Krishna". The Krishna-rovement ha. already branches in all continents. 12 pm:ideate are the head of the society. One of them in the president of the biggest temple of "ou, region" in Hamburg. In Munich en Harlin are Radha-Kriehma-temples as ecll. More are planned for Dasseldorf, Stuttgart and Cologne. Seven Zriehna-followers are living in the temple in Niederdorffeldrn near Frankfurt. Some of them are Americans.
They get up before sunrise, after having slept on the wooden floor, to An their morn:L.41y "Tartan", prayers and readings of the Vale:, the oldoet of the existing revelation-documents which consists of several works. After that they have breakfast which consists, like all their other seals, of fried, vegetables and milk-products. Alcoholic dridro and meat are sinful.
At midday the "Sankirtan" starts. In the centres of the area the group appears as "school for Kriohne-oonsoiusnese". During that leaflet. are given out and money is collected from which they live. Anui,her .eouroe of income is a factory for incense in London which belongs to them, BA-fore going to sleep, always. at 9 p.m., they do their nightly "Kirtan".
On weekends the temple in opened for everybody.
can take part in the Kirtan,
Ops: - "servante of Eriehna" dories the "Sankirtam",ft,the city of ank- lurt,,
Photo measures 6 x 8.25 inches.
Photo is dated --None.
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