S'Wacky. But here's a Swan who likes a Pinta Bitta.: Who'd have a swan in the family? well for a start, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, who own a small general store in a small cygnet wobbling along in the road by the local stream. He had been forsaken by his parents - and the Lewis's promptly adopted him. They called him Ziggy and he soon became on of the family. Ziggy loves to sit by the fire in the sitting room, he loves coffee and mashed potatoes, and, would you believe it,takes an occasional trip to the local and gets pie-eyed on a pint of bitter. It took many months to persuade him to go into the water, and for a long time Mrs. Lewis had to wash him everyday in the kitchen sink. Now he will take a short paddle - but only if Mr. Lewis goes with him. Although he is mute, Ziggy makes a first-class watch-dog (?) - if intruders disturb the household he simply stamps his feet and hisses loudly. Outside the Lewis Store customers get a friendly greeting from Ziggy
Photo measures 6 x 8.25 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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