Marbles Championship: General view of the National Marbles Championships in progress taken from the balcony of The Greyhound Inn at Tinsley Green on the Surrey-Sussex border. The annual match has been held in the village since the days of the Armada threat when two local youths competed for the band of the vill~~~ ~~~~.
The "Toliey Men" Of Tinsley Green:Once again the marble championshare practising hard for the annual National Championship to be played on Good Friday at Tinsley Green on the Surrey-Sussex border. Marbles is one of the world's oldest sports. It was played by the Roman Emperor Augustus. The Tinsley Green match dates back to the days of the Spanish Armada Threst when two local youths competed for the hand of the village beauty on Good Friday. Teams of six a side compete on a six-foot circular rink dusted liberally over rough sand. Fortynine clay marbles are placed in the centre of the ring and hone at a time the players shoot at them with glass "tolleys". The Championships are held under the rules of the British Marbles Control Board whose H.Q. are at Tinsley Green. Last year's winners were the "Capthorne Spitfires" team led by 80-year old "Pop" Maynard who has three of his sons in the team. They are hoping to repeat their victory in Coronation Year. Marbles enthusiasts come from all parts of the country to watch the "Tolley" men of Tinsley compete for the coveted championship.
Photo measures 8 x 10.25 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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