Police hunting the murderer of two young girls last night warned parents not allow children out alone. In a message to families living near the A34 Birmingham-Stafford road, Mr. Tom Lookley, Assistant Chief Constable of Staffordshire, said: "A dangerous, ruthless killer is at large. Until he is found no child is safe." The second murdered child is 6-year old Margaret Reynolds, who has been missing for four months. Police searchers yesterday discovered her body buried in mud a few yards from the ditch where 5-year old Diane Tift was found dead on Wednesday. Both girls had been dumped half a mile from the A34 in Teddesley Lane, Cannock. Margaret's body had been buried in mud for a considerable time. Margaret Reynolds vanished at Aston, Birmingham on September 8 last year, and Diane Tift disappeared at Bloxwich, Staffs, on December 30. PHOTO SHOWS:- Diane's body is under the tarpaulin between the police caravan and the tent for pathologists. Margaret's body is under plastic sheeting between the tarpaulin and the tent.
Photo measures 10 x 7 inches.
Photo is dated 01-01-1966.
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