Eric Stone Arrives in London from South Africa... Arrested with the "Scarlet Pimpernel"...
To be seen in London yesterday was 25 year old former debutante Bridget Mellor - who talked about her attempt to smuggle a 19 year African boy from South Africa to Bechuanaland. Bridget - who was called the 'Scarlet Pimpernel' was arrested with British science teacher Eric Vaughan Stone nr. Bechuanaland on June 22nd. After strong Ambassadorial protest - she was released on July 2nd. but Mr. Stone was kept in prison under the South African 90 day imprisonment without trial law. But last Tuesday he was put on a plane for London. Bridget denied having helped a number of political refugees escape but said she had worked to get a fair trial for people accused of political sabotage.
Keystone Photo Shows: Eric Vaughan Stone in London yesterday. He was met at the airport by Bridget Mellor.
Photo measures 10 x 8 inches.
Photo is dated 7-18-1963.
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