"the Affair Bruhne-Ferbach" :is the title of the latest book of the most read, German speaking detective author Frank Arnau. The 71 years old writer, living in Munich,whose detective novels were translated into 14 language and reached a world-printing of 1.8 million copies , tries in his latest detective scientific book to prove, according to document, records and evidebces that the opinion in the affair Bruhne-Ferbach shows faults on record, mis-interpretation and mistakes in thinking, so among others the change of the rsult of a decicive official expert's opinion into its opposite. The book "The Affair Bruhne-Ferbach" is published by a Munich publishing house ion the beginning of December. photo shows the auhtor Frank Arnau with his latest book "The Affair Bruhne-Ferbach" in his Munich home.
Photo measures 6 x 8.25 inches.
Photo is dated 11-11-1965.
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