How long will he live? This is the new chief of the Political division of the Milan Police headquarters. Milan, February 10, 1973= Pictured here in center is Dr.Meteranfelis, the newly appointed chief of the Political department of the Milan Police headquarters. After the recent murder of police commissioner Calabresi who was not been identified and caught by police although he is being hunted throughout europe), there are many Milan citizens who ask themselves the question: "How long will Dr.Meterangelis live?". On left we recognize Dr. Pagnozzi, another important chief of same political department of the Milan Police. The person on right is unidentified, but certainly a police- collegue of Pagnozzi and Meterangelis. This photo was taken when thousands of students of the Milan students movement assembled in Milan's Sanct Stephan Square.
Photo measures 9.5 x 7.25 inches.
Photo is dated 2-10-1973.
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