Caption: .Status Offenders at IT IS NOT as if they were crimeTHis particular group of cheldren in trouble may range from the boy who simply refuses to go to school to the girl wholeaves is some in search of excitement, to the child who repeatedly refuses to do what his ro her parents wast.They are called status offenders and they are defined legally as anyone under 17 whoHas deserted his home without sufficient cause or who is deserted his home without sufficient cause or who is repeatedly disobedientto the reasonable and lawful commands of his parents, guardian or other custodian.Repeatedly associates with immoral persons, or who is leading an immorallife: or is found on premisesoccupied or used for illegalpurposes:Being required by law to attend school,witfully and repeatedly a bsents himself therefrom, or ripeatedly absents himselftherefrom, or repeatedly violates rules and regulations thereof: Repeatedly patronizes or frequents andy favern or place where the principal purpose of the business conducted is the sale of alcoliolic liquors.Their offenses are far from crimes--if these children were unattached adults,who perhaps wouldn't work, or were promiscuous, or wandered off, no,one, in the legal sense, would care.But across the nation (and across Michigan until a few months ago) these youngsters are often found doing time in a secureinstitution, or to put it bluntly, a juvenile prison. Now the official policy of our State Department of SocialServices is that status offenders may not be confined in a state administered secure institution.sANCTUARY.
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