Caption: (THIS IS A RETRANSMISSION OF PAR-6 CAPTION TO PROVIDE LEGIBLE COPY) (PAR-6) PARIS June 17 (AP)-SAY IT WITH FLOWERS--New French President Georges Pompidou poses outside the entrance of his Paris headquarters after being presented with flowers by Laurent, (no family name available) left, an 8 year-old admirer, today. (AP Wirephoto) (GK 17/6/69) atf/laurent.(NY19--June 17) HOW EVANS, MELBOURNE COLLIDED--According to testimony of Capt. John P. Stevenson of the Australian Carrier Melbourne, these are the courses taken by his ship and the U.S. destroyer Frank Evans leading to their collision. The South China sea collision killed 74 Evans crewman (APWirephoto)(whb31325jc) 1969 (See AP Wire Story).
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