Top: Calvin Fuller (Thomas Ian Nicholas, center) is an ordinary kid inadvertently and magically transported across the ages from his home in Reseda, California, back to the legendary medieval court of King Arthur (Joss Ackland), in Walt Disney Pictures' exciting new live-action comedy/adventure for the whole family "A Kid in King Arthur's Court." Below (left) Ron Moody stars as mythical sorcerer Merlin, who summons Calvin (Nicholas) to the 11th century to help rescue Camelot from the evil clutches of Lord Belasco (Art Malik), and restore King Arthur's (Ackland) authority and faith in himself. (Right) With the help of new friend Princess Katey (Paloma Baeza, right), and a few modern gadgets such as rollerblades, Calvin (Nicholas, left) braves the Middle Ages to prove he's a worthy knight. A Walt Disney Pictures presentation, "A Kid in King Arthur's Court" is directed by Michael Gottlieb, from a screenplay written by Michael Part & Robert L. Levy. The producers are Robert L. Levy, Peter Abrams and JP Guerin. Executive producer is Mark Amin. Co-producers are Andrew Hersh and Jonathon Komack Martin. Buena Vista Pictures distributes.
Photo measures 8 x 10 inches.
Photo is dated 8-12-1995.
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